St Kilda Playgroup Policies and Procedures
St Kilda Playgroup Inc. is a community initiative run solely by volunteers. We are a not-for-profit, non-facilitated playgroup. Every member of St Kilda Playgroup must be familiar with our policies and guidelines. Please take the time to read and understand these. As a paid St Kilda Playgroup member, you agree to these upon attendance at your weekly session/s.
Playgroup Overview new
SKPG provides an inclusive play space by creating an open, welcoming and friendly environment for all children and their families, regardless of their circumstances, backgrounds, or cultural identity.
Playgroups provide an opportunity for families to have fun, relax and build friendships that last beyond playgroup. It also helps parents and caregivers build social and support networks that empower, encourage, and assist them in their valuable parenting role.
At SKPG we offer:
Age based playgroups
Cultural/language-based playgroups
Free play sessions
Session Eligibility new
Age Groups eligibility
To provide a safe play environment for all age groups and best address their development needs SKPG offers multiple age-specific sessions. Every age session is created according to special needs, and features of development, and provides a great opportunity for age-specific play. Check the timetable.
Any family with a child that falls into that age group is to attend the session. Several months' deviations are allowable.
Cultural/language groups eligibility
SKPG committee and The City of Port Phillip council provide care and support for cultural/language groups and respect their identity. Any cultural/language group that has its own timeslot in a timetable is allowed to manage its session and organize children's play at its discretion within SKPG policy. Every cultural/language group is usually held in an appropriate language.
- To be eligible to visit a cultural/language group, you need to have at least one family member having the same cultural/language background and be comfortable with an appropriate language.
Some cultural/language groups are also available for the community and anyone from that cultural background can attend, if you have a different background and are still interested to attend, you need to be:
Respectful to other members attending
Be open and flexible to adopt the group routine they follow
The flexibility to look for other groups and times they are already running at full capacity.
It could happen that you would like to attend the session you are not eligible for. In this case, you need to:
Register for the session online via Eventbrite.
Ask primary (eligible) session attendees for permission to enter the session, to make sure they feel comfortable.
Be respectful to primary attendees and their right to play the way they are comfortable.
Be ready to leave the session if you are asked to do so (in case your attendance causes inconvenience or you are not eligible).
Parents are responsible for supervising their children at all times.
If a child has special needs, health, or behavioral concerns their parents are expected to provide constant supervision to ensure a safe and healthy environment for everyone attending.
If you are visiting the age play session with another kid not suitable for your age for this play session, you are responsible for the behavior and safety of your second one so that main session attendees are comfortable and not put at risk.
All parents are welcome to bring two or more children to a playgroup. Different age groups have different developmental needs and safety requirements.
It is our responsibility to ensure a safe and risk-free play environment and we cannot achieve this without parents' support and cooperation.
If a parent is attending an age-specific group with two children where one child is older or younger than that group, they need to supervise their child and make sure they do not interrupt the core activities of this group. It generally happens when a child is too young or old for that group. For example, a baby attending a preschool playgroup or a preschooler attending a baby playgroup. In situations like this, it is the parent's responsibility to ensure that presence of that additional child is not impacting group activities and causing disruption for regular attendees.
Registration Online (via Eventbrite) new
Since SKPG is non-facilitated playgroup service for members only, we have an obligation to collect contact details of all attendees. So that, it is compulsory for all SKPG members to register on a session online via Eventbrite prior to attending any session or when entered.
Your registration helps us to track the play session attendance, understand how the new timetable works, and collect your details in case we need to contact session visitors (contact tracing, incidents, etc.).
Behavioural best practice
Please follow the playgroup routine. Booking for each attendee aged 12 months and older (including parent/carer) is compulsory for every session you attend each week. Booking is via the Eventbrite app which is linked from our timetable.
Your children are your responsibility. Babies/toddlers/children are your responsibility at all times while on the Bubup Nairm premises. Please be aware of where they are and what they are doing.
Be considerate of others; be patient. When you arrive at your session, please be kind and understanding if the session before is still finishing with cleaning/tidying up. Go in, say hi, please don’t hang outside or ask them to leave.
Clean up your own mess and sanitise whatever you used. Parents/carers must sanitise all toys used at the end of each session and return the toys to their containers. Any toys that can't be sanitised, such as plush toys and costumes, have been removed to enable us to more easily comply with our CovidSafe Plan.
Participants are requested to start the pack-up process 10 minutes before the end of each session, and follow the cleaning record you will find in the room, which includes sanitising surfaces, door handles and toys.
In addition, the floor should be vacuumed, and cups/plates/cutlery washed up and put away (preferably bring your own). Also ensure the sandpit cover is back in place if used.
Keep to your allocated time slot. Timely exit of rooms is very important. Please begin to clean and tidy 10 minutes before the end of your session so you can vacate on time. If you need to stay longer/attend to your child, etc, please do so in the reception area.
Be inclusive of others. Make new members feel welcome. A simple smile or hello goes a very long way. It can be daunting going into a group of established members.
Soiled nappies are to be taken with you. Bubup Nairm does not have facilities to dispose of them at the centre.
We are a NO NUTS facility. Any foods containing nuts/peanut or almond butter, etc, cannot be consumed onsite.
Also see our health, wellbeing & vaccination, and bullying policies regarding other aspects of behavioural best practice.
Health, wellbeing & vaccination
All members should feel playgroup is a safe environment to attend with their children. This includes attending playgroup without fear of being exposed to contagious illnesses. It is important to recognise when your child is sick and prohibit them from attending playgroup. This will limit the spread of illness and help your own child rest and recuperate.
It is important to note that it is not mandatory to have your child vaccinated in order to attend playgroup. Therefore, there may be members with children who are not vaccinated and may be at an increased risk of developing particular conditions.
Please do not bring your child to playgroup if they experience one or a number of the following symptoms until the course of medication has been completed or the incubation period recommended by the doctor has passed:
known diseases such as Covid-19, measles, mumps and chickenpox
infected skin or eyes (including conjunctivitis)
undiagnosed rash
severe itching, dry skin on either body or scalp (if caused by head or body lice or scabies)
unexplained diarrhoea or loose stool (may or may not be combined with vomiting) - these symptoms may indicate a bacterial or viral gastrointestinal infection which is easily passed to other children
nausea and vomiting - children should not attend until all symptoms have fully ceased for 48 hours, or
a cold with listlessness, green runny nose, watery eyes, persistent cough or sore throat.
Once the child’s temperature, wellbeing and energy have returned to normal and is no longer contagious, they may return to playgroup, even if they still have a slight cough or clear runny nose. If symptoms (runny nose and eyes, coughing) are caused by an allergy (eg hayfever, asthma), the child is not contagious and can attend.
Children should not attend playgroup until the following symptoms have fully ceased or the child is diagnosed as not contagious:
difficulty in breathing, wheezing or persistent cough
fever accompanied by symptoms such as listlessness or sluggishness
sore throat or trouble swallowing, or
pain – any complaint of unexplained or undiagnosed pain (not including complaints such as teething).
Also see our Sickness & immunisation at St Kilda Playgroup information sheet.
What to do
Parents are responsible for determining if their child is well enough to attend playgroup.
Each group is encouraged to self-manage any concerns arising, but may refer to the St Kilda Playgroup Committee for assistance and or advice. Contact us at
Also see our behavioural best practice and bullying policies regarding other aspects of health and wellbeing.
Repairs & maintenance
Occasionally things such as the vacuum cleaner, play equipment or toys, etc may break or get damaged at our centre. If this happens, please let us know so we can fix or replace the item.
Please place the item in the vacuum cleaner cupboard and notify us at
Privacy, communication & social media
We respect your privacy and are dedicated to keeping your details private. We will not disclose your personal details to any third parties.
We will contact you via email with any important information about playgroup. Likewise, you can contact us via in case of any queries or concerns relating to the running of the playgroup sessions, etc.
Members in each playgroup session should nominate a group contact. This person will be added to a group contacts What’s App group, to relay information to and from the committee. This information may be reminders about policy or timetable updates, or other day-to-day runnings of playgroup.
All members are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the St Kilda Playgroup website This is where all our policies are kept. We no longer publish a newsletter; instead, in addition to the communication channels mentioned above, we communicate with members via blogs published on our website on an ad hoc basis, and social media.
Social media
St Kilda Playgroup has a Facebook page which features regular updates about social and relevant local content that may be of interest to members. Our website blogs are promoted on this Facebook page, and playgroup members are encouraged to follow the page to be kept abreast of the latest information. Please familiarise yourself with our Facebook engagement policy located on our Facebook page to ensure all members of our online community are treated fairly and with respect.
Images of children
St Kilda Playgroup will only post images and/or videos of identifiable children with parents’ permission.
Anyone who creates an image or video of a child at playgroup must ensure the parental permission of all children featured in the media has been granted before creating the media. The media creator must also ensure all parents understand the desired use of the media, before sharing in any format, including email and social media.
The City of Port Phillip Council’s green sustainability culture is supported in our playgroup rooms. Things you can do to help:
Turn off lights and heater when leaving the room.
Correctly use the recycling and co-mingled waste bins in the kitchen.
Place all food scraps in the green waste bin for composting.
Fill reusable water bottles or use a cup from the kitchen when you or your child/ren need a drink of water, rather than buying bottled water.
Please email us at if you have a suggestion for other sustainable practices we can implement at playgroup.
Bullying & harassment
What is bullying?
Bullying is when people repeatedly and intentionally use words or actions against someone or a group of people to cause distress and risk to their wellbeing. These actions are usually done by people who have more influence or power over someone else, or who want to make someone else feel less powerful or helpless.
Bullying is not the same as conflict between people (like having a fight) or disliking someone, even though people might bully each other because of conflict or dislike.
The sort of repeated behaviour that can be considered bullying includes:
keeping someone out of a group (online or offline)
acting in an unpleasant way near or towards someone
giving nasty looks, making rude gestures, calling names, being rude and impolite, and constantly negative teasing
spreading rumours or lies, or misrepresenting someone (ie using their Facebook account to post messages as if it were them)
mucking about that goes too far
harassing someone based on their race, sex, religion, gender or a disability
intentionally and repeatedly hurting someone physically
intentionally stalking someone, or
taking advantage of any power over someone else like a prefect or a student representative.
​Bullying can happen anywhere. It can be in playgroups, at home, at work, in online social spaces, via text messaging or via email. It can be physical, verbal, emotional, or via messages, public statements and behaviour online intended to cause distress or harm (also known as cyberbullying). No matter what form bullying takes, the results can be the same: severe distress and pain for the person being bullied.
Types of bullying
Face-to-face bullying (sometimes referred to as direct bullying) involves physical actions such as punching or kicking or direct verbal actions such as name-calling and insulting.
Covert bullying (sometimes referred to as indirect bullying) is less direct, but just as painful. It means bullying which isn’t easily seen by others and is conducted out of sight, such as excluding people from groups or spreading lies or rumours. Because it is less obvious, it is often unacknowledged.
Cyberbullying occurs through the use of information or communication technologies such Instant Messaging or chat, text messages, email and social networking sites or forums. It has many similarities with offline bullying, but it can also be anonymous, it can reach a wide audience, and sent or uploaded material can be difficult to remove. Most people who cyberbully also bully offline.
How can bullying affect individuals?
Feeling guilty like it is your fault.
Feeling hopeless and stuck like you can’t get out of the situation.
Feeling alone, like there is no one to help you.
Feeling like you don’t fit in with the cool group.
Feeling depressed and rejected by your friends and other groups of people.
Feeling unsafe and afraid.
Feeling confused and stressed out wondering what to do and why this is happening to you.
Feeling ashamed that this is happening to you.
Know your rights
You have a right to feel safe and to be treated fairly and respectfully. Bullying is a serious problem with serious mental and physical impacts. Bullying can violate many of your human rights, including:
your right to be free from mental, emotional and physical violence
your right to education, and
your right to a safer environment.
Getting help
If you are experiencing any of the above, please:
notify your group contact for help, and if necessary,
email the St Kilda Playgroup Committee (we will endeavour to handle your concern promptly and in strict confidence).
The Australian Human Rights Commission (1300 656 419) has a complaint handling service that may investigate complaints of discrimination, harassment and bullying. Playgroup Victoria can also offer assistance with complaints.
Emergency evacuation
This policy outlines what to do in the unlikely event of an evacuation such as fire, gas leak or unsafe building.
Fire Warden Assistant
Each playgroup has a nominated person [Group Contact] to act as a Fire Warden Assistant. If required, this person is responsible for contacting the emergency services and coordinating an evacuation. They may delegate tasks to other individuals in the group to help.
Fire Warden Assistant Roles:
Ensure the immediate area is made as safe as possible and encourage people to stay calm.
Contact appropriate emergency services by dialling 000.
Establish safe escape routes depending on the exact location of the fire.
Notify everyone where they should go for the evacuation meeting point.
Perform initial headcount and inform main reception.
Ensure the following areas are searched:
playroom kitchen
playroom toilets
playroom outside play areas, sheds, cubby houses, climbing equipment, and
any other area of the centre where adults or children may be.
Assist with the evacuation and manning of the nominated evacuation points.
Perform a head count immediately post evacuation.
Encourage everyone to remain calm.
Contact the President or Secretary as soon as possible to report the incident via the email and ask Bubup Nairm reception to call the President or Secretary.
What to do if there is a fire (as a member)
Maintain control and do not panic.
Rescue any person in immediate danger (taking precautions for your own safety first).
Isolate the fire as much as possible by closing doors.
Raise the alarm by calling for help and requesting the nominated Fire Warden Assistant to call 000.
Control the fire and attempt to put it out using fire extinguisher.
Evacuate the centre.
Promotion of businesses and services
Playgroup is an environment free from social enterprise networking and the general promotion of external businesses. The playgroup committee may occasionally enter into an agreement with a local business for a mutual partnership where funds or goods are exchanged for specific, limited promotion of their business, such as a donation for the Christmas party. Organisations that provide support to families or offer free activities, goods or services may be promoted on our noticeboards and via social media and the group contacts. If you are unsure whether a business can be promoted, or if you are approached about a business while at playgroup, please contact the playgroup committee via so we can investigate and resolve the issue.
Changes to these policies
​St Kilda Playgroup reserves the right to make amendments to these policies at any time. If you have objections to these policies, you should raise these with the committee and not access or use our website in the interim.
Contacting us
We welcome all your comments and feedback. If you have any questions about our policies, guidelines and procedures, please contact us at
All children using the St Kilda Playgroup facilities must be members of St Kilda Playgroup. Membership is $30 annually per family, on a rolling basis (ie if you join on 15 April, your membership expires on 14 April next year). Membership covers children aged 0-5 years (ie younger than school age) and their parents/carers. Please click "Become a member" Concession memberships of $15 annually are available.
Playgroup sessions are based on the age of the child. There are also cultural playgroup sessions for children who speak another language, and some mixed age sessions/drop-in sessions.
You can join St Kilda Playgroup online in less than 5 minutes. Membership of SKPG is compulsory to ensure public liability coverage.